Diagnosis of voltage unbalance state in a system with power converter
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Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Submission date: 2024-03-25
Final revision date: 2024-06-12
Acceptance date: 2024-06-28
Online publication date: 2024-07-10
Publication date: 2024-07-10
Corresponding author
Stanisław Oliszewski   

Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Diagnostyka 2024;25(3):2024304
In the paper problem of power supply unbalance voltage states with the same Voltage Unbalance Factor (VUF) value for power converters is tackled. This factor is being used to assess the quality of power supply. There are many sources of voltage unbalance phenomenon such as system asymmetries and uneven distribution of demand throughout phases. Based on literature three unbalance states are presented: lines overvoltage, lines undervoltage and phase angle asymmetry. VUF value alone cannot provide information on the type of voltage unbalance state. Moreover, the same VUF percentage can be obtained for different amount of unbalanced phases. In this paper simulation experiments were conducted in order to obtain data of rectifier output voltage during different unbalance states with same VUF. Ripple, mean value and frequency components of said voltage were used in order to detect and categorise power supply voltage unbalance. Such approach does not require complex power quality measuring tools as power supply unbalance can be initially diagnosed using single voltage sensor.
This research received no external funding.
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